agosto 01, 2009

in Catharsis

haunt me
in my dreams
if you please
your breath is with me now and always
it's like a breeze

so should you ever doubt me
if it's help that you need
never dare to doubt me

and if you want to sleep
i'll be quiet
like an angel
as quiet as your soul could be
if you only knew
you had a friend like me

so should you ever doubt me
if it's help that you need
never dare to doubt me

2 comentários:

Meg disse...

Depois da tempestade...

and if you want to sleep
i'll be quiet
like an angel
as quiet as your soul could be
if you only knew
you had a friend like me

Hug you

vbm disse...

I'd to pick up the meaning
of your misterious "hug" :)
and I do retribute
embracing you.

Gosto do inglês 'latino',
de intuitiva compreensão,
por muito que os ingleses
se arrepelem em encontrar
o seu significado
nos confins da

reminiscência da ocupação romana!
