Sebastiano del Piombo, Vittoria Colonna
O che tranquillo mar, che placid’ onde
Solcava un tempo in bel spalmata barca,
Di bei favori, e d’ util merci carca,
L’ aer sereno avea, l’ aure seconde.
Il Ciel, ch’ or suoi benigni lumi asconde,
Dava luce di nebbia e d’ ombra scarca;
Non dee creder alcun, che sicur varca,
Mentre al principio il fin non corrisponde.
L’ avversa stella mia, l’ empia fortuna
Scoperser poi l’ irate inique fronti,
Dal cui furor cruda procella insorge.
Venti, pioggia, saette il Cielo aduna,
Mostri d’ intorno a divorarmi pronti;
Ma l’ alma ancor sua tramontana scorge.
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ON the calm billows of that tranquil sea,
A gallant bark with swelling sails was seen,
Freighted with treasures, moving proud and free,
With favouring breezes and with skies serene.
But soon thick clouds obscured the heavenly ray,
With fearful gloom the awful tempest rose ;
And none, who saw the dawning of that day,
Foretold how dark would be the evening's close.
So did my stars on me their aspects change,
By adverse winds o'er waves of sorrow driven,
Oppressed by cruel fates and fortunes strange,
Lorn, reft, and stricken by the shafts of heaven,
Gathering around me, threatening storms appear,
But still my soul beholds her polestar near.
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